Images from the so-called Malerwinkelhaus

Images from the so-called Malerwinkelhaus
click on the image to see details of the call

Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014

arriving mail art from Jörg Seifert (Germany)

Jörg's second Submission to the Project, using a postcard
on which he drawn a frame work over the house.
Thank you.

Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

arriving mail art from Ahlrich van Ohlen (Germany)

Ahlrich's second submission represents an Advent calendar inside the
frame work of the Malerwinkelhaus
Thank you.

arriving mail art from Nicole Eippers (Belgium)

Nicole has sent a second submission:
a little girl has a ballon in the shape of the Malerwinkelhaus.
Thank you.

arriving mail art from Stephan Halter (Germany)

Stephan has printed a silhouette of a map from Germany together
with a school information on it
in the corners 4 drawn houses.
Thank you.

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

... the outgoing documentation No. 2 ...

... documentation No. 2 ...

a second little docu of the project
an artistamps sheet - documentation No. 2
with 12 submissions to the project
we plan to make some more in future
depends on the money
participants will get a free copy - but the sheet can also be ordered as well ... 

Samstag, 26. Juli 2014

arriving mail art from Juan López de Ael (Spain)

Juan has sent a collaged and painted card with a scratched little image of the Malerwinkelhaus.
Thank you.

arriving mail art from Ottmar Bergmann (Sweden)

Ottmar has sent one of his typical colourful collages.
The Malerwinkelhaus in the midst of a bombed city.
Thank you.

arriving mail art from Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenon (Spain)

Miguel has painted a Malerwinkelhaus and made some colour artistamp variations
out of it.
Thank you.

arriving mail art from R. F. Côté (Canada)

Rejéan has sent two collages to the project and the circulaire 132,
in which the artistamp has been included.

arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

7 more mail art in more or less funny or critical context from Heinz W. Lotz in this week,
sent to me and to the Malerwinkelhaus as well.
Funny and critic
Thank you

arriving mail art from Torma Cauli (Hungary)

The first mail art from Hungary. Torma has sent a digital collage with the house.
Thank you.

... return to sender ...

Samstag, 19. Juli 2014