Images from the so-called Malerwinkelhaus

Images from the so-called Malerwinkelhaus
click on the image to see details of the call

Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014


New Mail Art Call for the Museum in Marktbreit,
located inside this marvelous frame house called


A picturesque place and the hot spot of the sightseeing buildings in town
 where lots of artists and photographers have found  their iconic view on this very special frame house.
Your interpretation of this house will also be appreciated for an exhibition in 2015.
All Mail Art will become part of the collection of the Museum

DEAD LINE 31.12.2014

sent your mail art to me :

Roland Halbritter
Muehlweg 15
97720 Nuedlingen

or to the Museum

Mail Art Malerwinkelhaus
Bachgasse 2
97340 Marktbreit

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